Celtic Glass Braid Left Border
Parchment Paper Background
Celtic Glass Braid Right Border

Never heard of fused glass?

You are not alone. Many people at first confuse stained glass with fused glass. They each have totally different processes and building techniques.

Fused glass needs the heat from a kiln to be "fused" together. You get different levels of fusing from a tack fuse to a full fuse. The difference is how fast the heat in the kiln climbs, how long you hold the temperature at its hottest, and the changing temperature and holding times while it cools (anneals).

The glass industry has been greatly affected by the changes in the political landscape in the United States where much of our glass is manufactured. I will try my best to find the color of glass you may want, but it may be impossible at the moment. I am determined to find the glass requested, but it may take some time. Please be patient. 


What brings me to produce fused glass?

I love color. I love mixing colors on a piece of glass that I am building. I love melting glass and finding the result of the colors combining. Color is associated with our moods "feeling blue", wedding anniversaries, and even for communicating the traffic flow rules on  streets and highways. 

 When I first started teaching adult learners, the most surprising feedback was how my colorful clothes helped keep their attention as I moved around teaching. I thought it possibly was a bit of joke on the teacher. At the time, I was traveling to teach various sites on mainland Nova Scotia. Comments of a similar nature reoccurred over and over again from other groups. I realized it was yet another influence of color.

Color influences my process from beginning to end. I may see something in my environment that catches my eye and I want to reproduce it in the same color. I have been inspired by wall hangings, flowering shrubs, backsplashes and dishes that I have owned for years and want to match a serving dish to complement them.

The satisfaction of finishing a piece just as I imagined it keeps me returning again and again to make new ones. Disappointment in a piece pushes me to examine why it does not work and learn from it. Then it is time to try again.


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